24 March, 2024
[Episode 4] An Inner Child Coaching Demo
Inside of the Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner Training, I share a lot of coaching demos because one of the BEST ways to become a better practitioner, to stretch and master your transformational skills, is to listen and observe, with intention and presence, to masterful coaching sessions.
It is so, so valuable to do this whether you are a new practitioner learning skills for the first time, or a very seasoned practitioner like me with decades of experience. I value life long learning because I know it makes me better and better and better at what I do. And that’s why I love that you’re here too, listening to this podcast!
In today’s episode, I share with you a 27 minute coaching demonstration where I go deep with my client and we do a somatic process that unpacks the ways her inner child has been inadvertently holding her back from her goals. It is VERY powerful. As practitioners, it is essential that we know how to work with the inner child.
And of course, while this isn’t a training on how to work with inner child, you will learn some key wisdom and tips.
Some of the topics we cover:
==The ways that fear can show up in your client sessions
==What happens when we pathologize fear
==Where fear comes from
==The benefits of helping clients distinguish between present and past resources
==The principle of risk when fear gets activated
==Discomfort versus pain and how this can help you work with fear
==Why releasing fears isn’t viable or safe, and what to do instead
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