JodiGolda Komitor
Widely known for her former career as a pioneer of the Kids Yoga movement, JodiGolda Komitor is a visionary entrepreneur. She has over 25 years of small business and CEO experience—including starting up, scaling big, and selling off her multi-six-figure international company. JodiGolda is a master Coach for entrepreneurs and executives in a methodology she calls:Leaders of Love. She firmly believes that your relationship with your Self is everything. And, that with Self love—you can have your aligned purpose, your greatest impact, and your ultimate prosperity. A Jewish American who values authenticity, truth-telling, and freedom, JodiGolda is currently living in Portugal as a digital nomad. She regularly takes pleasure in wandering the land, cooking organic meals, and having courageous conversations. Her friends call her”the Queen of Self care.”
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