5 January, 2023
My conflicted relationship with the title of “coach”
Because anyone can call themselves a coach these days, and while I honor everyone’s journey, I do worry about the dilution and the impact of the work I hold so dear.
I take the responsibility of being a navigator and guide for my clients very seriously.
I am here to support my clients to see the unseen, hear the unheard, examine the hidden truths and bring them into the light.
I am here to co-create transformation with my clients.
Not fleeting change that ceases to be felt a day or two after a breakthrough….but real, long-lasting, embodied change.
I am here to support those I serve to love themselves all of the way, in and through, down and around. The pretty parts and the not-so-pretty parts. All of it.
I am here to navigate the unchartered waters and rearrange the wiring that has my clients believing they are anything less than…100% sacred.
I am here to help bring the Shadows out of my clients’ blindspots and help them reclaim all the parts of themselves…to remember that they are already whole.
And to do all of this, I hold myself as a practitioner to a higher standard every single day.
I know that to ask others to explore the craggy shadows of their fears, I must also do the same.
I cannot ask others to go where I have not gone.
In some ways, calling myself a coach barely scratches the surface of who I am and what I do.
It barely scratches the surface of the alchemy of my own growth and the growth I activate when I support others.
It barely scratches the surface of my expertise as a decoder of human behavior.
It barely scratches the surface of the magic and cellular change my clients’ experience in our work.
It barely scratches the surface of the self-love and self-compassion and self-acceptance my clients feel when together, we hold space for their grief, for their anger, and for their wildest dreams.
Yes, I am a coach…but I am a coach who goes to the Sacred Depths.
It is my calling.
It is my purpose.
If you are longing to be this type of practitioner too, then I invite you to join me for the Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner Training.
If you are longing to not only be a coach, but to be a practitioner with gravitas whose clients remember you forever because of the life-changing work you do together, then Sacred Depths is for you.
(And yes, Sacred Depths is a Coach Training too….but a very special one).
Graduates of Sacred Depths tell me that this training is the BEST investment they have ever made, not just in their businesses, but in themselves.
Whether you’re a completely new practitioner or a seasoned practitioner who has been around for decades, Sacred Depths will change you from the inside out, and it will transform your client work in the most profound ways.
There are countless testimonials for this powerful and empowering journey, too many to even fit on the information page for Sacred Depths (but you can still see a ton here).