My successes & heartbreaks of 2017 + my commitment to you and me in 2018

2017 was a big year in so many ways – some happy, some sad, some easeful and some incredibly hard… I leveled-up in many ways…and that leveling up had it’s growing pains…

…but I can honestly say there has been so much learning and evolution from all of it.

I wanted to share some highlights, successes, heartbreaks and learnings from my personal & professional life over the last year…and then a special commitment with details on what you can expect from me in 2018!

In 2017, I:

–Completely filled ALL of my Programming! including my brand new Coach Training, my Ritual & Facilitation Training, and the Curriculum Lab:

The learning: I share this not to ruffle my own feathers (though I am definitely proud), but to let you know that I had been TERRIFIED to shift my main business focus towards training on building your business and yourself through delivering highest quality coaching, classes, and retreats. I thought it would take a few years to really catch on and for programming to fully fill, but it happened right away. This was such a huge lesson in following my heart, my desires, and my intuition…and putting a stake in the ground for what I believe in. I encourage you to do the same!

–Had my key team member leave the team (in the middle of a launch!):

The learning: I was so sad for Sophie, my long time Online Business Manager to leave the team to pursue a dream…and especially because it was right in the middle of the Sacred Depths launch! When Sophie first gave notice of her departure, I felt like everything would fall apart. But her and I planned for the transition for over a month; I took my time and interviewed numerous candidates; and most importantly: I somehow stayed calm. The result was an incredibly smooth transition and a new Business Manager (Sarah!) who rocks and has our Operations and Team in tip top shape!

–Launched 2 MAJOR trainings in one year (even though I “hate” launching!)

The learning: Literally for years I would not give myself permission to launch anything massive. I designed all of my programming to be rolling admission so that I wouldn’t have to undergo the intensive process of a launch – I like to have things feel calm and easy! But this year I felt so called to launch two big trainings. The learning is that I can do things even if they feel super uncomfortable….so long as they feel exciting and aligned!

–Got criticized cruelly and harshly by a workshop student (I cried for a full day)

The learning: I’ll save the long story on this one for another time, but for now I’ll share that I had an online workshop student rip me to shreds in an email. It really stung. I cried for pretty much a full day. I hated on myself and judged myself harshly that entire day. And even though I didn’t know this woman personally (over 200 people had participated in that workshop), I spent the day hating on her as well. But after that day…I found a higher perspective. I was able to see so clearly that the email wasn’t about me at all. I found compassion for the pain this student must have been in to write such a horrible email. This was so important for me on so many levels: I learned how to chill out over criticism and cultivate compassion no matter what.

–Took 2 weeks off ALL technology…and survived!

The learning: I’ve always been a big advocate of unplugging, but I really put myself to the test this winter break when I had SO MUCH going on in my business but chose to unplug anyway. It was dreamy. And so important for me and my wellbeing. I learned that my business can wait.

–Led my 21st retreat for a particular group of private clients that have been working with me for 7 years

The learning: First of all, there are no other groups in the entire coaching or transformational industry that I know of that have been together for 7 years. This is honestly one of the biggest accomplishments of my life and I am so proud of what I have created, together with this group of wise woman, magical clients. If you’ve ever been to a retreat with me, you know the transformation and growth in the room is like nothing else you’ve ever experienced. The learning here was more of another reminder for me that I have the ability (as we all do) to defy industry norms when I am working on something I am passionate about.

–Had a cherished, long-term client traumatically “break up” with me

The learning: This is something I’ve been lucky enough to have avoided in my nearly 20-year career…but it happened this year. It wasn’t easy. It was actually incredibly painful and draining. If you’ve been part of my community for a while, you know I’m a truth teller and always try to be as authentic with you as I can for your own learning and growth. So even though this is hard to share, I’m sharing it with you. Because I want you to know that it can happen. And if it does happen, it doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong or that you’re a bad practitioner. It simply means that sometimes sh*t happens. My learning was to be incredibly gentle with myself.

–Donated more money than I ever have before to causes that are important to me

The learning: Being able to give, and to give a LOT, feels AWESOME.

Between everything that is happening in the world, and all the lessons I’ve learned in 2017, it feels more important to me than ever before to use my voice and my work as a platform for healing, evolution, and deep change.

It feels more important than ever before to speak my truth.

It feels more important than ever before to stand strong for all I believe in.

For me. For you. For the world.

So here are my commitments to myself and to you for 2018:

1) I will be taking an even stronger stand for coaching and facilitation mastery because the industry needs practitioners like you who know how to create deep and real transformation with your clients.

2) I will continue to take a big stand for integrity in the coaching & transformational industries because there are too many industry practices right now that are out of integrity and not of service. My commitment includes continuing to only serve and support those I know I can help, doing everything I can to keep my marketing promises, only delivering the highest quality services, not inflating my rates beyond what is aligned, doing everything I can to make my business welcoming and nourishing to ALL people who want my support.

3) I will amplify under-represented voices and voices of color because it is a top priority for me to play my role in helping to raise up ALL human beings and to bring visibility to powerful voices that don’t always get heard.

4) I will offer you even more trainings, workshops and opportunities to master your coaching, ritual, facilitation and leadership skills…so be on the lookout because there is a LOT of awesomeness happening this year!

5) I will use my business to honor and take care of the earth by donating proceeds in ways that count, by being even more conscious of the resources I am using, and by continuing to share the message of honoring and holding the earth sacred.

6) I will continue to show up with my full heart to support you in all the ways I can (& find more ways for us to connect!)…a GREAT way to start is to join my Facebook Group if you haven’t already done so. It’s called Coaching and Facilitation Mastery: Tools And Skills For Better Client Results. I share a ton of resources over there and love to interact with everyone.

It’s going to be a powerful year, and I am just so excited that we are on this journey together.

I’d love to hear from you on your commitments in 2018 and what you are excited about it.

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  1. Thanks Joanna for another heart-open sharing of you with all of us. Inspiring as always. I’m following your lead and going to sit here now to write out my own list.