14 January, 2023
Some important facts about my business & the marketing strategies I use
⇒ my prices are relatively low for the industry (I believe in high-touch programs without high end pricing)
⇒ I’m not a social media super-star (I barely understand how Instagram even works!)
⇒ I only get new headshots every 6 or so years & they do not feature me in glamorous places (I do not like getting dressed up)
⇒ my videos do not look uber professional (again, I don’t like getting dressed up or makeup…and I can’t be bothered about better lighting)
=> I don’t spend astronomical amounts on ads or big name affiliates
I’ve been a practitioner and entrepreneur for 20 years now, and I’ve never attempted to fit the mold because it has never felt authentic to me. And in some cases, it hasn’t felt ethical to me.
And yet, my business has grown every single year.
And it is one of the most sustainable businesses in the coaching industry.
And it is also a business with a high profit margin (I do not over-spend on marketing or frills I do not need).
(And in transparency: not every “launch” of mine has been a winner. Many are, but I’ve also had a couple of doozies & disappointments over the years too. No Myth of Perfection here: marketing doesn’t always work the way you think it will! But, because my business is so sustainable, a doozy launch doesn’t impact me; it just gives me good information for moving forward).
So, how is it that I’ve been able to create the business that I have?
Through the least spoken about, yet the most effective, marketing & business strategies on the planet:
1. I commit every single day to the BEST marketing strategy on the planet: being the BEST practitioner that I can be
The best marketing strategy in the world is not ads, is not fancy sales pages, is not being a social media influencer, and is not having complicated funnels.All of those things can for sure be useful, but they are essentially ineffective wastes of time and money in the long run if you aren’t an incredible coach or practitioner who knows how to co-create REAL change with your clients.
Being a stellar coach – one who masterfully holds space for your clients to navigate their fears and their blocks, to re-wire their unhelpful thoughts and patterns, and to move forward with self-compassion – is the BEST marketing strategy in the world.
My business runs on clients who renew with me over and over again and on referrals from those same happy clients who shout about me from the rooftops.
I never stop in my journey to becoming a better practitioner. I always work at it.
(By the way: this is EXACTLY why I am so passionate about the Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner Training – I train practitioners to become the BEST practitioners they can be, and it is incredible to watch what happens for them and their businesses as a result).
2. I over-deliver and give generously and treat everything as high touch
This is another highly effective marketing strategy – my clients feel VERY taken care of & supported because me and my team show up 110%. To give them way more than they were expecting, to provide more support than nearly any other programs in the industry, and to show how much we care.For example, in Sacred Depths, in addition to all the live training calls with direct access to me for questions & coaching, we also offer tons of bonus material, study groups, extra Q/A calls, individual check-in calls, and so much more. The support is bar none.This, again, leads to overjoyed clients who are creating amazing results in their work with me, and who feel so SEEN and so grateful for the support. (NOTE: Of course, you don’t want to over-give. You will end up feeling resentful and it actually doesn’t benefit clients or audiences to overload them. There is a line between generosity and over-giving).
3. I prioritize Ethics above all else – in my client work and in my marketing
Here’s is another one of the BEST marketing strategies in the world: be in integrity in your client work (this includes being trauma-informed, which has quite a number of principles to it, all of which you learn in Sacred Depths) AND be in integrity in your marketing – don’t use shaming or manipulative tactics, don’t make false promises, don’t create false urgency, be honest and real.A community that trusts you is a community that is more likely to buy from you. And clients who see that you are being ethical and not abusing your power in their work with you are more likely to trust you and therefore create better results in their work with you.
4. I know my offerings are highly effective, and therefore I have the confidence to market with passion and authenticity
Because I am at the top of my game with my transformational skills, my clients and students rave about all they receive in my programming. And because of how they rave – and because of the mind blowing results I see they achieve – I know that I can ethically share far and wide about my offerings and invite people into them. My marketing is 100 times stronger & more authentic because I believe in what I am offering.I believe in what I’m offering because of the results I see.
5. I treat my team very well, and together, we make magic happen
I wouldn’t pretend, not even for one moment, that the success of my business is because of me alone. My team is phenomenal and they are with me, everyday, creating the highest quality experiences for our clients. I am so grateful and blessed.One of the secrets to my business: invested, committed, excited team members who want as much for my clients as I do, and who stick on my team for years. To have this type of team means that just like with my clients, I bring my generosity, my over-giving, and the highest of ethics to my team leadership as well.
I cannot promise that simply by participating in the Sacred Depths Transformational Practitioner training that your business will thrive.
It takes work.
It takes stretching yourself to take the actions in your business.
It takes being willing to do the intensive inner work we offer you.
It takes being willing to not succeed at first but keep on showing up anyway. (Growth does often take time).Here is what I can promise you if you step into Sacred Depths:
=====You will learn the most powerful, empowering and effective transformational techniques, and have them in your toolbox so you can help your clients with any issue that comes up.
=====You will learn how to embody the Energetics of an Aligned & Empowering Transformational Practitioner, and this will guide you to do even deeper, even more powerful work with your clients.
=====You will learn how to be fully ethical and trauma-informed in your client work, and this will give you so much more confidence to make yourself visible and known.
=====You will also know in your bones that your work is powerful and empowering, and this too will give you confidence to make yourself more visible and known.
=====You will change profoundly over our 10 months together. You will understand yourself, your triggers, your beliefs, your motivations and your parts more than you ever thought possible. You will become the next version of who you are meant to be. And you will have a treasure trove of self-regulation and self-development tools to use for decades to come.
There is now an early EARLY bird rate on Sacred Depths – over 20% off.
I would be honored for you to step in.