8 August, 2024
want your clients to see REAL results? do this!
When coaches and leaders first come to me for support, they are usually in one of 3 camps:
- Worried that your clients are disappointed in your work together. (Are my clients getting their money’s worth with me?)
- Feeling like your excellent client work could be even more effective & powerful. (I’m good but I know I could be even better & feel more excited about what I’m doing.)
- Holding yourself back from even getting started because of lack of confidence. (What if I won’t be good enough? What if I can’t coach someone through their blocks?)
No matter which of the 3 camps you’re in, you yearn for your clients to make real progress & have deep, life-changing experiences with you.
You want to live up to your marketing promises (vs. worry you’re not delivering).
You want to live up to your potential & go to bed at night knowing you’re freakin’ amazing at what you do.
You want your clients to be so over-the-moon with your work together that they share about you often.
You want reliable techniques that actually help clients through blocks vs watching them stay stuck.
Here’s the thing – every SINGLE transformational practitioner can LEARN how to masterfully coach your clients beyond their blocks. (I know this because I’ve trained practitioners for decades and no matter what their existing skillset, I witness them grow into stellar facilitators of real change whose clients are blown away by the work they do together).
There are a lot of things you can do to co-create amazing results with your clients – we learn & embody dozens of transformational tools in Sacred Depths (BIG sale on it right now!) – and I want to speak to just a couple of them very briefly here:
- Work (somatically) with fear and resistance
90% of what keeps clients in patterns of self-sabotage, procrastination, confusion and beyond are fear and resistance. (The other 10% is either because it is truly not the right time for the client to move on a goal or because the goal wasn’t aligned in the first place).
Fear & Resistance are a natural, normal part of human nature. We actually NEED fear in order to survive. It’s wired into our biology.
The issue is when our fear – I like to call it our inner fire alarm – is hypersensitive (usually because of life experiences). When it’s hypersensitive, then our fear alarm doesn’t know the difference between a true fire in the kitchen (actual danger) and burnt toast (the stuff that usually holds us back in moving towards our goals).
In Sacred Depths, we learn how to work somatically with fear & resistance because these are GAME CHANGING skills you need to have. The somatic piece is important because we don’t just think fear, we feel it. We need to help clients create new awareness and ways of being with their fear responses on the thought level AND on the body level.
- Use Energetics to embody Transformational Presence
I always say that none of the transformational skills I teach in Sacred Depths are potent, unless you are also embodying powerful and aligned energetics.
Energetics are the beliefs, ideas, attitudes and energy you BRING to your client containers.
Your Energetics are bar none.
⇒ If you don’t believe you’re good enough, that will impact how you use techniques.
⇒ If you don’t believe your client is good enough, that will impact the techniques.
⇒ If you get dysregulated when a client is struggling, that will impact how you use techniques.
And so on and so forth.
In Sacred Depths we focus not only on world-class transformation techniques, but also on supporting YOU to transform from the inside out so you can show up with more depth for your client work and for your business.
- Stop promising the sun, moon and stars (it’s not ethical)
Many coaching containers are at a disadvantage from the get-go because practitioners, in their marketing, over-promise.
When you promise unrealistic results in unrealistic amounts of time…
You are then setting up both your client and yourself for way too much pressure to do the impossible, for nervous systems to get dysregulated and more likely to go into resistance, for shame to build because goals aren’t being met, and ultimately for disappointment.
When you know how to do this, your clients’ results are more prone to accelerate because you are teaching them how to create sustainable, shame-free, inner and outer change.
If you are reading all of this and your heart is singing with recognition and longing…I want to encourage you to check out Sacred Depths.
What makes Sacred Depths special is that I teach you everything you need to know in order to be the practitioner whom your clients go gaga over because they see you as the one who helped them reach their dreams.
Right now is a great time to step into Sacred Depths because there is huge savings & pretty awesome payment plan on this sacred and profound journey for the next few weeks.
Sacred Depths can help you become the practitioner and entrepreneur you want to be, even if you’ve been struggling with self-doubt and procrastination.
p.s. Wondering if Sacred Depths really is THAT good? Check out the ridiculous amount of testimonials on it (this is just a fraction of the testimonials we have; it would kind of be obnoxious to include even more on the page).
p.p.s. The training is a big deal to do, and so I always recommend connecting with Caitlin or Inbal on my team to chat and get questions answered and see if it’s actually right for you.